Friday, February 10, 2012


Hi. I am Lauren and I am a recovering perfectionist. As a recovering perfectionist it has been so hard to shut off my self-criticism for the lack of posts on The Zoo the past few weeks. In fact, I have been avoiding not just my blog but blogs all together because that nagging feeling of guilt, shame, whatever was just there whenever I thought about blogs.

I hoped that starting a blog would be a practice in letting go of perfectionism. So often in my life I have talked myself out of doing things by telling myself,"Well if I can't do it perfectly, I just won't do it." The Zoo was a way to take the next step and do something even if I didn't know what the three month or six month outcome would be. My perfectionism can really manifest itself in over planning, so I have really resisted the urge to plan out every single post in advance, instead trying to let The Zoo evolve organically and write about what interests or inspires me on any given day.

The truth is, I have been tired and uninspired lately. I have been living out of a suitcase the past three weeks or playing catchup from being out of town. When I have had down time, the last thing I wanted to do was spend it on the computer.

Today, I looked back at my very first post where I outlined what I hoped The Zoo would be. This is a nice reminder that my intention for blogging wasn't to achieve a new level of perfection but to slow down a bit and appreciate the beauty of everyday life. Happy Friday!

Welcome to The Zoo, a blog about STYLE (fashion, art), DESIGN (interior, table, floral), TASTE (cooking) and anything else that makes the world and every day life more beautiful. My hope is this blog will be a form of creative expression for myself and a resource of inspiration for others. I look forward to sharing this adventure with you.

P.S. I have been reading a fabulous book my friend recommended to me about perfectionism:
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. I highly recommend it!

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